The Burke Foundation invests in transformative early childhood initiatives to build a cycle of opportunity across generations.
Our community partners guide us and our values drive us.
Our work succeeds when we embrace a diversity of voices and create an atmosphere of trust and empathy. We are committed to listening to and learning from the perspectives of others.
We constantly reflect on and share our learnings in order to strengthen our impact and better the field.
We recognize that our resources and abilities are only a small part of what is needed to achieve our goals and that our impact is greater when we work with others.
In order to drive lasting social change, we explore creative solutions, adopt new perspectives, and learn from both our successes and failures.
The heart of our work is centered on the communities we serve as we collectively work towards making a lasting change.
“Centering the voice of the community is essential. While every community will have different needs, what every community has in common is that everyone wants to be heard. Rather than going in and telling people what they need to do, we should ask the community what it wants. The true answers always lie within the community.”
— Dave Ellis, executive director of the Office of Resilience at the New Jersey Department of Children and Families
About the Burke Foundation
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