NJ Spotlight Opinion: In-home newborn care is essential

In a February 2024 Op-Ed in NJ Spotlight News, Burke Foundation Executive Director Atiya Weiss shared her thoughts on the benefit of New Jersey’s plans to roll-out nurse home visits for families of newborns across the state.

New Jersey is only the second state to launch a statewide nurse visit program for families of newborns. The successful rollout of phase one in Essex, Mercer, Middlesex, Cumberland, and Gloucester counties “provides a road map to advance other initiatives we urgently need to support children and families,” she explained. “No one organization, no single state agency, no elected official and no individual philanthropy can do it alone,” she added.

Atiya told the story of how a shared vision for healthy moms and babies was the driving force behind a bipartisan, cross-sector effort to fund and implement home visitation for all births in the state at a time of deep division across the state and country.

To learn more about the roll-out of Family Connects NJ, don’t miss the recent feature story detailing the benefits of nurse home visits to families and communities.
