Strengthening Teacher-Student Relationships in Early Childhood Education
MSU – Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Rooting Relationships is a program based upon Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation in which consultants with specialized training build relationships with teachers and other early childhood professionals. To better understand the overall impact of the Rooting Relationships program on centers, staff, and families, the Center for Research and Evaluation in Education and Human Services (CREEHS) at Montclair State University will conduct the first evaluation of the program’s implementation and impact in New Jersey.
Rooting Relationships uses a consultation approach to deepen providers’ understanding of early relational health concepts while building the capacity of the teacher to respond to children’s stress behaviors in a positive and developmentally appropriate way.
Consultants work with educators and early childhood professionals in their daily settings and share strategies and proven approaches to strengthen social-emotional competencies. Consultants can also facilitate referrals for additional support and encourage a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to the healthy development of children.
The consultation approach at the heart of Rooting Relationships has demonstrated improvement in early childhood education outcomes including:
- Improved social skills among children
- Increased retention of staff
- Improved staff confidence
- Increased staff sensitivity when working with children
The Burke Foundation supports the MSU Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health alongside the Turrell Fund.